small rocket


Our History

Each year since 2005, the Society has travelled outside of the UK to visit transport systems around Europe. These five day trips have been very successful and are well attended. A further trip is anticipated for 2025.
The Scottish Tramway Museum Society (STMS) was formed in 1951 out of the (then) Light Railway Transport League.
This was prompted by the knowledge that a very significant Glasgow Corporation tram was about to be disposed of. This was “No.3”, a Mains Testing car convertedfrom one of the original electric trams of 1898 (672).
The Society’s pioneering members negotiated its purchase from the Corporation’s Transport Department and the tram was stored by the undertaking for the duration.
In1953 Aberdeen’s last open balcony cars were being withdrawn and the fledgling STMS successfully agreed terms of purchase of locally built No.73. The body of the tram made its way to Paisley where it was stored in the open – not enjoying the covered premises and safety of Glasgow’s Dalmarnock Depot. The ambitions of the Society suffered a serious blow when vandalism and theft rendered the tram’s situation untenable and the decision was taken to scrap it.
No.73 was not the only such casualty as similarsituations had been faced in England and the Republic of Ireland.
Despite this hammer blow, Glasgow Corporation’s former Paisley District Tram No. 68 which was about to be scrapped (as Glasgow’s 1068), was secured for preservation. This was an act of faith. Glasgow Corporation were able to offer covered accommodation but, for how long?
The ensuing years saw membership grow and funds accumulated through sales of publications.
Regular meeting were held in the Secretary’s home in Cambuslang.
By 1960, scrapping of the mighty Glasgow tramway system was gathering force and the STMS was given notice to remove their cars 672 and 1068. In the end, 672 was taken over by the Corporation’s Museums Department while 1068 was despatched to the Tramway Museum at Crich which was still in embryo state having established itself on its site the year before.
Another act of faith!
The end of the Glasgow tramway system came in 1962 but not before it had been possible to present a Coronation car (1282) to the Tramway Museum. The Society also paid the purchase price of a Maximum Traction car (so-called “Kilmarnock Bogie”) 1115 which was also despatched to Crich.
Since then many publications have appeared with each one seemingly more ambitious than the last. This has enabled significant donations to be made to the Tramway Museum, principally electrically operated tram jacks.
The Society changed its name in 1986 to the Scottish Tramway & Transport Society (STTS) to reflect the widening interests of its members.
‘Virtual’ Meetings are currently being held every other Wednesday night at 7 pm UK time. For details of how to join these meetings, please contact
​ Continental Study tours are arranged each year, usually in June/July